Sunday 14 August 2011

Day 19 in Romania: cooking in Iasi

Day 18 in Romania

I was going to go to the flea market, but was talking out of it by his family because I'd have to get up early and they said that there were usually a lot of gypsies, and it was dirty. However, I learnt how to make ciorba, a delicious soup typical of Romania. Though I don't know if I can find the ingredients in Korea. Anyways, here's how you do it.

You need to saute onions in oil until they get brown.
Then add water, carrots, and potatoes.
Next add goulash (water with wheat hull that you can buy in Romanian markets) or if you don't have that, add lemon.
Finally add the leustean (lovage) and salt.

That's it! It's easy to make and delicious.

Edit: My mom says that her mom used to make dumplings using cream of wheat and an egg. She would beat the egg, next add cream of wheat, then just drop them by the spoonful into the simmering soup. You have to get the consistency just right or the dumplings turn out very hard or they just disintegrate into the soup.

The BBC has a recipe as well. My mom adds green beans and cabbage instead of sauerkraut juice.

We started by: boiling some beef (about 1 1/2 hours)
Then add carrots, celery, green beans, cabbage, onions, salt and pepper. Boil until tender
at the end add lemon juice and parsley. Or you can precooked some onion and rice (fry them in a little oil, then add about 3/4 C water and wait for it to evaporate) before putting them into the raw ground beef.

Be sure to read about what has happened so far. You can find everything in the quick summary of dates.


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