Wednesday, 19 February 2014

They've Revoked My Romanian Birth Certificate and I'm Giving Up for Good

As you probably remember my docs were submitted to the Embassy of Romania in Peru at the end of October 2013. I was told it would be 3-4 weeks. So at the end of November, they asked for a link between my maiden name and married name and said it would be a little while longer. But their hands were tied, it was up to Bucharest to do what they had to do.

I thought that I'd hear something by January. I just received a long email from the embassy quoting laws, which are just letters and numbers to me. The long and short of it is that they've cancelled my birth certificate, so now I have nothing. They've cited that article 40 alin (2) of Law no. 119/1996 wasn't respected when I got my birth certificate (since the consul of Peru gave me my birth certificate, I completely blame him for not respecting the laws). According to article 57 of law no. 119/1996 and article 127 about civil status documents approved by government decision no. 64/2011 they've decided to revoke my birth certificate.

My mom still has a piece of paper from the Ministry of Internal Affairs stating that she's Romanian, however, the Chicago consulate has refused to register her marriage stating that she needs a passport and refuses to give her a passport stating that she needs to have her marriage registered. And let's not even get started with the fact that she has no CNP because they didn't exist when she was born.

I've been trying to get Romanian citizenship for years and years now. I've run into brick walls and kept going, but I think this is the straw that broke the camel's back. It's time to say this is enough and move on. For some reason it's simply not meant to be.

Ironically, this Saturday I received an email from someone who came across this blog and he wrote this, "May I ask you why you want to learn a useless language and get a useless citizenship from a f***ed up country like Romania ...I don't know what to do next in order to get out of this cursed place as soon as possible."

In some ways that sums up how I feel right now. Romanians have been leaving Romania in droves now that they're in the EU. How they got into the EU I don't know, though from talking to Romanians it seems to be a well-known secret that they outright lied about various issues in order to get in. The Romanian government sure has a long, long way to go to reach EU standards. The low salaries, high cost of living, and rampant bribery all add to the problem. Everyone in my family was asking me, "But Sharon, WHY do you want to become a Romanian citizenship?" There are many reasons why I want to get Romanian citizenship. However, I'm starting to see more and more problems with how the country is run.

I'm trying to get in, while many Romanians want out. Enough is enough, if you want to move on you simply have to move on.

Be sure to read about what has happened so far. You can find everything in the quick summary of dates.


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