Saturday, 27 February 2010

Got my Romanian birth cert

I actually got my birth cert last month in January, but I haven't posted for a while since I've moved twice internationally in two months. In January I moved from Peru to the US where I spent about a month with my family and dragged my massive suitcase, big backpack, and carry-on with me. And then in February I moved to Korea, and dragged the same stuff with me minus some paperwork like tax stuff and photo albums, with me.

Here's what happened in January 2010
Ok, so good news. Kind of. The counsel got back to Peru so I applied and got my Romanian birth cert! Yea! So now, I need to register my marriage. Of course, the embassy was closed for another couple of weeks due to updating their computer system. Now they're open and I've left Peru. I'm moving back to Korea. I'm a bit wary about the CNP. There is none. When I asked the counsel he said it wasn't important.

So just great. I have, however, gotten an official translation of my marriage cert by a translator in Romania.

Two things have to be done.
1. Register my marriage. (in order to do that, I need a valid Ro passport)
2. Get a Romanian passport (in order to do that, I need to have my marriage cert registered)

Am I the only one that sees the illogical situation? It's a Catch-22.

I've contact my lawyer, who says he will see what he can do. Right now, I'm busy with moving back to Korea and my new job and he's busy as well, so we're just going to wait until summer and take it from there.

Be sure to read about what has happened so far. You can find everything in the quick summary of dates.


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